
High and low speed switching of winding machine controller


      Motor winding machine, the early control mode is high and low speed mode, the No. 3 terminal of the controller is connected to the com terminal of the frequency conversion, and the No. 6 line is connected to the segment speed input terminal of the inverter. When the No. 3 terminal is disconnected from the No. 6, the frequency conversion The inverter outputs a set high-frequency power supply. When terminal 3 and terminal 6 are disconnected, the inverter outputs a set low-frequency power supply. After the improvement, the terminal 3 and 6 of the REPOSAL' s winding machine controller The No. terminal will output a 0-10V analog voltage to the inverter according to the value set on a controller, and the No. 3 terminal and No. 6 terminal are connected to the com and Ain terminals of the inverter (Taiwan Dongyuan inverter), the inverter According to the different voltage signals received, output power at different frequencies.


   REPOSAL's  winding machine controller is compatible with two control methods, and can be switched between the two methods according to customer requirements. See the video description for the specific switching direction.

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          Suzhou REPOSAL Electronic Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in providing: toroidal transformer winding machine, current transformer winding machine, voltage transformer winding machine, ring voltage regulator winding machine, inductance coil winding machine, iron core chamfering machine , Parallel winding machine and other coil processing equipment and winding machine accessories.

       The company has the advantages of R&D and production of the entire plant of electronic transformers and transformers. It is different from many assembly manufacturers in the industry. We have gathered many engineering and technical personnel in the winding machine industry. After many years of research and development and production experience, we have developed a new generation of series winding. Equipment, especially toroidal winding equipment, is widely used in manufacturing industries such as toroidal transformers, transformers, voltage regulators, inductive coils, etc., and has received many praises from the industry; Customers provide more professional and quality products and services.